
Regional cross-border cooperation

Engaging Civil Society Organizations for Participatory Democracy, 2006 - 2007

Conflict Resolution Institute (INRECO), Moldova and Regional Agency for Cross-border Cooperation Lower Danube Euroregion, Ukraine

To identify and analyze key issues, challenges and appropriate responses regarding the present situation of NGO involvement in the decision-making processes at local level in Timis County (Romania) and in the cities of Chisinau (Moldova) and Odessa and Reni (Ukraine)
To build capacities in NGOs identified to work in networks and coalitions
To assist NGOs to mobilize individuals, expert groups and ideas within their constituencies to develop stakeholder-inclusive advocacy strategies for enhanced civic participation

Target group
Reprezentantives of NGOs and local public authorities from Moldova (Chisinau and towns), Ukraine (Reni and towns) and Romania (Timisoara)

sa ‘Public Participation in Eastern Europe: Opportunities and Challenges’ - Study regarding the engagement of NGOs from Moldova, Romania and Ukraine in the implementation of local policies
sa 26 participants trained in Advocacy and Coalition management
sa Two advocacy campaigns in Moldova and Ukraine to identify and promote the most efficient mechanisms to communicate between the civil society and representatives of public institutions

The Regional Summer School for Youth Entrepreneurs
Between 11 and 16 September 2017, the Association for the Promotion of Women in Romania (APFR), together with the Euroregional Center for Democracy in Timișoara (CED), organized the Regional Summer School for Youth Entrepreneurs ”Antreprenor5Vest” at Secu Resort, Caraș-Severin.
Romanian – Norwegian cooperation for improving accessibility of universities and university libraries in Western Romania
Between 4 and 9 June, 2016, the Euroregional Center for Democracy (CED) made a study visit to Halden and Oslo, Norway, in order to set the ground for a Romanian-Norwegian know-how exchange, in the field of accessibility of universities and university libraries for people with disabilities.
The All-Inclusive Universities website
The Euroregional Center for Democracy (CED), in partnership with the School of Management in Fribourg, Switzerland, is launching the website of the project “All-inclusive universities: A project for enhancing the accessibility services of universities for students with disabilities”.
The Inclusive Campus Competition
The Euroregional Center for Democracy (CED) from Timisoara, Romania, and the School of Management in Fribourg, Switzerland, are launching a competition to select student organizations or initiative groups to conduct communication/advocacy campaigns in the university campuses of Timisoara.

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